La Rana Che Sogna - Willamette Shirt

It's been a while since we've had a bit of weird on here...Today I present to you 'La Rana Che Sogna' (The Dreaming Frog) in shirt format.

Taken from the depths of my peculiar brain, this particular scene kept flashing into my mind for a long time. A frog daydreaming beautifully under the stars contemplating the universe. Bit deep?

I like frogs and I like space. That's better. Keep it real.

Well in order to do the frog justice and get it out of my system - off it hopped onto a shirt.

First let's start with how difficult it is to photograph anything black!! I was hoping to show off the lovely features of this  Hey June - Willamette Shirt pattern but the camera and crappy lighting had other ideas. Here's the line drawing:

The style of this shirt appealed to me as I love a collared top, but it's got that lovely casual vibe to it with the kimono sleeve shape and cuffed edges. I went for a mash-up of View A (without the contrast bottom half) and View B with the pockets.

Surprisingly there's not a button in sight on this pattern and it's a popover! The facing/placket gets sewn together at the centre front and falls open to create the lapels. I did close it up a bit higher than indicated as if I'd have bent down enough the whole thing would have just slipped over my head. Not what you need when out and about.

You could easily put buttons on this though as a preference as the framework is right there to just whack in some button holes where needed. 

I cut a 12/14 and as I was making it, it looked HUGE. I pressed on regardless to see how it would sit once the facings and seams had been done and it just pulled together at the last minute, size wise. As you can see although it's a loose shirt it has that 'semi-fitted' feel. I may potentially lengthen it a tad next time as it comes up a little short on me, but no so much to be bothersome. (:: I think that's the only time I have ever said 'bothersome' in my life:)

The fabric I used here is a black tencel from Fabric Magpie (PLEASE get some more in stock Boz!) and it is glorious to sew with. It's thicker than viscose but still has a drape and ease about it aswell as being airy to wear.

Unfortunately I overworked the placket and collars which gave me some ugly wrinkling but I'm hoping a good steam will sort that out next wash. The shirt has a yoke back which uses a burrito-method-on-crack as it also rolls up all the shirt and facings together. I did it wrong a couple of times as it was just a big black bundle and no way of knowing which way was up!!

There's barely any over locking with this either so a good project for a class/meet-up (Sewing Weekender I'm looking at you) or if you don't have an overlocker at all. All the hems are rolled or seams enclosed or french which all feels very fancy.

I already have another version of this shirt in the queue - will go for a more bright summery fabric and some buttons this time. (I do love a good button). And significantly less frog.

Feel free to comment and come and say hello on InstagramFacebookTwitterPinterest and Bloglovin too xx
My First Me Made May
The Stellan Tee - French Navy


  1. What an excellent way to liven up a black blouse! Did you embroider the frog and stars or are they purchased and sewn on?

    1. Thanks! Does make it much less boring doesn't it. They are just sewn on patches - my embroidery skills are very lacking! x

  2. Froggy is adorable! Where do you buy them from? x

  3. Love your shirt.I am going to be making one of these very soon. The pattern suggests a fba. As you mentioned it's semi fitted do you think this would be necessary? It looks like the finished size is quite roomy.

    1. Oh I’ve just seen this message! I’m not sure on FBA as I have small bust but the pattern is plenty roomy in my opinion :)
