The Great Fayma F**k Up

Sliding into Sunday today with an absolute disaster of a project which I thought I would share to demonstrate it's not all sunshine and roses on the sewing front!

Also just noticed the bird is upside down!
 You made have seen pattern company Fayma (who are also now Hobbycraft Made to Measure) - you take a load of your own body measurements, along with some photographs for analysis, and a 'made to measure' pattern is created. 

Lovely job - so I thought. I didn't expect it to be a perfect fit, but a 'good enough' fit to tweak would have been alright. This was so far off the mark it was untrue. 

Just for clarity - before I wrote this I had the lovely Fabric Wrangler (and all round sewing Oracle) check my measurements that had been input, and they were all fine.

First of all I had a little gripe with the paper wastage. Every single pattern piece is printed separately - even the reverse pieces such as collar, under collar, top collar, another top collar piece. I get that you may need two of everything if measurements differed on your body however the collar piece was formatted across 3 pages of A4 set at 'portrait' when it could have easily fit on 1 page landscape. It's auto-generated pieces so I suppose the layout is a bit how you find it.

I set about cutting a 'wearable toile' from some stash fabric which I envisaged as a nice wafty summer shirt. Immediately we (I was in class at the time) spotted that the yoke was really small so had to extend that by 1/2" each side to extend the shoulder a bit. No big deal.

Then came the back piece. It was a whopping 6 inches too small to fit the yoke. I ended up cutting a stripe of extra fabric and inserting that to fit. Well that went wrong - although I'm not one for bothering to pattern match, a headless bird was even too much for me. 

I then had a 'make it work' moment and created a little back panel for the remnants. 

 Next up was the collar - and there was no way that was fitting (even with endless snips and wrangling) as it was 3" too short so I had to re-draft the collar myself in it's entirety. That should have fit as I hadn't
made any pattern changes to the neckline.

The sleeves actually went in really well so I was hopefully the shirt may be saved at this point.

I popped it on and immediately felt like I was an I.T advisor ready to tell someone to 'switch it on and off again'. Definite Jeff from Accounting vibes. Actually if I popped on a goatee I would have been David Brent. 

It was then I noticed there was some epic 'weirdness' on the back sleeves where they were sticking away from my body like wings. Again, a trip to the Oracle confirmed that it was just plain bizarre and we tried to pin out the shape to at least make the shirt 'one for gardening in'.

Well I think this thing was cursed because as soon as I tried to tidy up the edged my overlocker decided to eat the sleeves and pulled it all under. Out of fabric and out of patience I called time of death on the shirt.

The only part I actually like was the birds anyway, so I set about harvesting the cranes like I was on some kind of conservation project. 

The shirt is now suitable for a bit-part on The Walking Dead and available for audition. The birds are awaiting release back into the wild. 

Where I went wrong I have no idea, and I'm not sure I care either as I won't be making it again. I'd love to read some more reviews of these patterns though. Have you have any experiences?

I do have the Fouette trousers downloaded from Fayma and I'm now nervous to start these! That being said my friend Claire from class had some great success with the Fayma Boyfriend trousers fitting almost straight away. Fingers crossed for the next one.

Update: I made a Melilot Blouse in some fabric from the Hayley Jane Outlet as a kind of 'palette cleaner'. By fluke the colour was a match for the birds!!

Feel free to comment and come and say hello on InstagramFacebookPinterest and Bloglovin too xxx

Helen's Closet - Cameron
A Yarn of Spring Chickens


  1. Oh my word, poor you! Definitely a case of what can go wrong did go wrong! Has the company offered any explanation for their monumental pattern drafting cock up? So glad you managed to save the cranes in the end, your Melilot pattern is way nicer. Love love love the cranes…..although as a seaside girl I’d be all about the seagulls lol! Well done on sorting it out x

    1. Hi Karen, ahh just one of those things really, it happens doesn't it. Fayma are currently having a look at my pattern and measurements so will see what they say. x Yeah I much prefer my fabric choice in the end for the cranes - ooo love a seagul!!! x

  2. Can you tell us what measurements you took for pattern generator. I am disappointed it is not on website. I have contacted them for clarification.
    I had similar problems with Lekala patterns. I worked out that the ratio of one part of my body to another is way off what most pattern making assumes. At least some of these assumptions are built into pattern generators. If they don't measure something you can be sure they make assumptions about proportions to fill in the gaps. If your body is different it won't fit. So list of measurements can provide some idea of what these assumptions are.
    I am having better luck with Apostrophe Patterns, who have only a few simple basic patterns, a really long list of measurements, instructions on how to check fit of projector version of pattern with no seam allowances in Adobe before cutting anything out, and a recognition you will need to fine tune fit, so really helpful fitting and fine tuning support on FB.
    (As an example, I discuss how deviation from standard proportions causes issues in my post on 'Unmentionables: Crotch Variation in Pantie Fitting')

    1. Hi Karey - there's about 23 different measurements I had to input for the shirt so very detailed. That is interesting about the other companies, I wonder if the same has happened here as I am broader backed/muscular shape rather than perhaps 'standard' measurements. I love Apostrophe, I hope they do more in future! Brilliant link, so detailed thank you :)

  3. Cranectomy! I love it - Nice to end on a positive note, but sorry to hear the pattern was such a disaster :(

  4. Hello, I’ve just reached out on a FB group as I’ve just had the Iris jumpsuit printed. Totally agree regarding print wastage.

    1. yes seems so much blank space included!

  5. I am really sorry your shirt turned out a mess, but I had to laugh out loud while reading your post so thanks for making me smile

  6. Tried Fayma patterns last month and had a total disaster myself. I see I'm not the only one having issues with their patters. Much better off staying with Lekala or other solutions out there.

    1. This is interesting to hear! I have some trousers to try but frankly can't be bothered with it now...
